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HomeJanuary 2024 Board Minutes

Salem Bicycle Club

Board Meeting Minutes



Present: Tim Newman, Debbie Miller, Dan Shryock, Julie Glass, Ken Freeman, Steve Budde, David Philbrick, Bonnie Beal, Rob Gramenz, Jillian Trinkaus, Norm Johnson

Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the December Minutes and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:

The monthly expenses were reviewed by the board and seem in order. Current Balance sheet as of

December 31, 2023:



9687 Operating Account $ 8,951.65

9695 Events Account 9,321.81

Trust USPS 26.29

Money Market 10,078.68

$ 28,378.43



Retained Earnings $ 29,628.66

Net Income ($1,250.23)

$ 28,378.43

-A motion was made to remove outgoing President David Philbrick and add new President Tim Newman as signers for the operating account 9687. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

-A motion was made to remove Mary Schmidgall and Add Tim Newman and Ken Freeman as signers for event account 9695. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

-It was noted that a new protocol for paying bills has moved the responsibility from Accountant Jackie LeFevre to Treasurer Rob Gramenz

-Board members Tim Newman and Rob Gramenz and accountant Jackie LeFevre are working on the new draft budget for 2024

Membership Report: Julie Glass reports that Tim Newman has set her up well to follow up by email on situations like expired memberships and welcoming new members. Julie has gotten positive feedback on the emails.


-Dan Shryock reports that the new electronic Spokes is working well. We now have the ability for more content and monthly newsletters instead of 10 per year. He requests feedback and suggestions from board members.

-A board member noticed the ads are more visible in the electronic vs print format. 

-A suggestion for requesting submissions from readers, like cycling vignettes was made

-Asking readers if they have encountered road or route issues was made and Dan will try and found out where that can be reported to

- A board member suggested a good column would be “Meet a Member”

Annual Awards Banquet: Tim Newman reports things are going well. His goal was at least 50 members to sign up and we are at 49 currently with time to go.

-The point system was reviewed and looks good. It was agreed that gift certificates of $1.00 per point starting at 5 points would continue as last year

-The top 3-point earners would earn a $50.00 gift certificate and would retroactively go to the top 3 earners from last year as well.

-There will be 11 Road Animal awards for members with at least 2500 club miles and participation in an event ride and this is a trophy award.  Two new recipients will get plaques and all others are repeat winners and will get an engraving to add to their existing plaque.


-The PEDAL aware for the most club rides per year and Battered Saddle for the most Club Miles are trophy awards and are unchanged.

-It was decided that the 20/1000 awards would be the same award certificates given to everyone who participated in any number of rides plus a special gold sticker on the certificate.

-The suggestion was made for a future new award category for Bike Commuting be made and decisions about that will be made at a future meeting.

Monster Cookie: Ken Freeman reports he is working hard on the routes with a few snags that should be worked out soon. It was decided once the route was ready registration would be opened with a disclaimer that the route may change since County approval may take an extended time and changes may be needed.

-Jillian Trinkaus reports that she and prior volunteer coordinator, Debbie Miller, have met and she is close to being able to start with 2024 recruitment. She will start with an email to last year’s volunteers and look for holes that need to be filled that she will bring up at the Annual Banquet. Tim volunteered to help with emails wherever needed.

-Debbie Miller had some issues she wondered if input from the board might be useful or even necessary on, such as discounted early registration, but Jillian and others felt this would best be decided at the Monster Cookie Committee meeting next week.

Bike Advocacy: David Philbrick brought up that there is a City of Salem meeting coming up in early March and would like a club member to testify. A committee consisting of David Philbrick, Rob Gramenz, and possibly Jillian Trinkaus with input from Doug Parrow will work towards this.

Next Meeting: moved to February 21 6:30 to 8 PM due to Valentines Day. Possible General meeting on April 8th at Painter’s Hall is being arranged.

