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Club Business

General Meetings

General Membership meetings are scheduled as needed. Check Spokes for when the next meeting is scheduled and its focus. Social half-hour begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Contact Tim Newman for more information.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Board meetings are via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to connect to the board meetings. Contact Tim Newman or another board member for information on how to join the board on Zoom.

The club conducted a survey of current and former members in Fall 2021. See the results of the survey here. Salem 2021 Survey The Board of Directors is currently working on adjustments in club operations based on the results of the survey. Contact a board member with any comments or suggestions.

The following are administrative forms used in club business:

Donation Request Form - Form should be completed and submitted to the club's board of directors to request a donation to an organization or project to improve and support bicycling. Donation Request Form

Reimbursement Request Form - Form should be completed and submitted to SBC Treasurer to request reimbursement for expenses associated with SBC activities. Donation Request Form

Event Reimbursement Request Form Form should be completed and submitted to SBC Treasurer to request reimbursement for expenses associated with SBC event activities onlySBC Event Ride Expense Form for Reimbursement

Minor Release and Waiver Form - Form should be completed and provided to ride leader for any unaccompanied minors participating in club rides. Minor Release Form

The club's bylaws are here.2023 By Laws Minutes of the SBC Board of Directors are available for 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. Minutes for subsequent years are available in online, archived issues of Spokes on the Newsletter page.

The annual budget for 2024 has been adopted by the board.

A list of SBC Officers, other Board members, and Key Volunteers for the last 6 years is here. SBC Board Members and Key Volunteers last 6 years

SBC Online

The club has a number of online resources available to members. These include:

The SBC Website with the club rides calendar and other information about club activities.
A Facebook page on which updates and reminders of club activities are posted. Find the club's Facebook page here. Facebook 
A Facebook Member Group in which club members can share information about past rides, photos, and other information. Join the group to participate in the discussions by applying here. Facebook Group
Ride With GPS club account which provides SBC members with enhanced resources. 

The Salem Bicycle Club has a club account on Ride with GPS. The account allows club members to take advantage of several paid features of RWGPS for all routes in the club’s library. (Non-club members pay $50 a year to access these features.)

The club has used RWGPS to map rides for several years and each of the club’s routes is available on RWGPS. Club members who have navigated to the ride details page in the online calendar have seen a “GPS Link” that allows them to load the route onto their Garmin. When viewing the route on RWGPS, anybody--members and non-members--can also see the route profile and estimates of the steepness of the climbs and descents.

The club account provides additional features for SBC members that they otherwise could only access by purchasing a membership on RWGPS. However, these additional features are only available for SBC routes. The features include:

  • Turn-by-turn navigation, including audible cues, with the RWGPS iPhone or Android app enabling club members to use their smart phones to navigate SBC rides.
  • The use of offline maps on the RWGPS app. This feature allows users to download a route and detailed maps while they have a Wi-Fi connection and, in so doing, ensure that they have navigation in areas without cellular coverage and avoid large data charges.
  • Automatically sync the club's event rides such as the Monster Cookie to your RWGPS account for display in the app.
  • Print customized maps and cue sheets for SBC routes.

Signing up to take advantage of the club account is easy. First, if you don’t already have an account on Ride with GPS  , sign up for one. The type of account you chose can be a free, starter account. Then, using a desktop computer (not a mobile device), go to the Account Pagefor the Salem Bicycle Club and “Apply to Join.” Finally, send an email message Here telling us who you are and what RWGPS nickname you have chosen. (RWGPS nicknames do not necessarily provide sufficient information to identify who the user is or whether they are an SBC member.) We will approve the request as soon as we can confirm that you are a club member and you will then be able to take advantage of the enhanced features.

Detailed instructions on using the features provided under the club account are Here.

Don’t hesitate to contact GPS Coordinator if you have questions about this club benefit.

Ride Mileage Tracking

The Salem Bicycle Club tracks members' participation in our rides. The Ride Mileage Tracking system allows each club member to monitor those rides for which they have been credited and their annual mileage totals. The club recognizes members' participation in our rides at the annual banquet with the following awards:

Dan Rice/Joanne Heilinger Memorial Battered Saddle for most miles ridden.
P.E.D.A.L. (Pedals Every Day and Likes it) for most rides ridden.
20/1000 Award for having participated in at least 20 rides or ridden 1000 miles.
A list of past Battered Saddle and P.E.D.A.L. Click Here

Ride coordinators are encouraged to enter the data for their rides. However, if they are unable or prefer not to do so, another club member with administrative access to the website will be able to do so after the ride sheet is returned to the club. All Ride Sign-up Sheets are to be scanned and uploaded but if you are unable to do so, email to Ride Chair. A Ride Sign-up Sheet and other ride information is available online or by contacting Ride Chairman Michael Karnosh. More information and step-by-step instructions for entering mileage and ride participant data are available upon request. Check with Michael Karnosh if you have questions on logging.

Rides Committee

The Rides Committee is responsible for developing the club's rides calendar. Contact Michael Karnosh for information about committee meeting dates and times.

The club's Ride Mileage Policy Club Mileage Policy
provides the criteria for listing rides in the monthly rides calendar and identifies the rides for which members may receive mileage credits toward the Battered Saddle, PEDAL, and 20/1000 awards.

Club rides will be canceled if road conditions, or weather is dangerous for cycling. See the Ride Cancellation Procedures for more information. Cancellation Policy

Ride Coordinator forms Located Here 
Ride Coordinator General Forms

Ride Leaders Upload Ride Sheets Here:
Upload your Completed Ride Sheet

Instructions to Upload:
Click link above
It will take you to a page that shows you all Ride sheet 2024 that have been uploaded already
Click the BLUE Upload with blue circle and white up arrow on right side of page
it will open up a screen Add/Edit Document
Title=YR.Month.Day-Ride Number
Example: 24.06.01-11111
Ride name and Mileage
Create Date=Day of Ride
Select Document-on your phone or iPad it should give you an option to access your camera, then you can take picture of and once uploaded hit save.
If you are accessing from your computer, then you would typically have PDF on your desktop and process is essentially the same.

Once you have uploaded and confirmed it's a good scan, you can shred.

SBC Volunteer Recognition Points

Points are only awarded to SBC Members. Certificates earned are redeemable at participating stores. 1 point =$1.00 and will be given to you at the annual banquet or mailed, to those SBC members earning 5 or more points. Members with the highest point accumulations can earn an additional special recognition gift. To learn how to volunteer contact a board member or ask at a monthly meeting or look on the volunteering tab of the website for current opportunities, or on the Committee tab to see what committees are currently needing help.

Board positions
President 45 points
Vice president 20 points
Secretary 40 points
Treasurer 40 points
Membership coordinator 25 points
Board member at large 15 points

Specific club tasks

Newsletter editor 30 points

Editorial board 5 points

Rights Committee chair 35 points

Webmaster 30 points

Annual picnic coordinator 10 points

Participation in public outreach events 2 points per day volunteered

Accountant 30 points

Rides credit database 30 points

Mapping coordinator 25 points

Participation on special committees points to be awarded or determined by the board

Event rides

Event ride coordinator 40 points

Events rides database 30 points

Major event ride contributions* 35 points

Other contributions involving 2–4-hour commitments 2** points

Tasks requiring significant contributions of effort and taking most of a day or longer for example event ride sub-coordinator purchasing food and supplies sag support emergency hotline coordinator of sag drivers marking the course placing and collecting signs ETC

** 2 points Per event ride worked

Ride Coordination

Regular ride 1 point*

High Wheeler 2 points*

Novice ride 3 points*

Helping on novice rides 1 point*

*Per ride coordinated

** Awarded at the discretion of the novice ride leader

Important disclaimer: the board at its discretion can award points to members volunteering in a capacity other than those specified in the above list and can change the points as listed in the table the decision as to how best to acknowledge volunteers has made each year by the board based on experience and available funding

Salem-Keizer Bike Shops and Local Information


Bicycle Commuting in Salem -- All you need to know to ride your bike to work in Salem.

Bike Peddler -- Salem bike shop specializing in Seven, Giant, Specialized, and Fuji bicycles.

Gallagher Fitness Resources -- Downtown Salem store specializing in walking and running shoes and apparel

Santiam Bicycle -- Salem bike shop specializing in Raleigh, Kona, Rocky Mountain, Santa Cruz, and Bianchi bicycles.

Scott's Cycle -- Salem bike shop specializing in Trek and Cervelo bicycles and Bontrager parts and accessories.

Travel Salem -- Information on attractions, lodging, restaurants, and shopping in the Salem area. 


General Cycling Information

From Training Wheels to Trails A Guide To Introducing Kids to Bicycling-valuable tips on introducing kids to bicycling -- An Australian focused bicycle resource.

Bike MoJo -- Links to bicycle-oriented sites and a calendar of events.

Bike Ride Online -- Information on bicycle racing in the Pacific Northwest and around the world.

Impressions -- Photographs of America and Asia taken on bicycle tours.

International Bicycle Fund -- A non-governmental, nonprofit organization, promoting sustainable transport and international understanding.

Is a Helmet Worth It? -- A discussion of the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet and the consequences of brain injuries.

Mike's Mega Bicycle Links -- A variety of links to bicycle organizations, manufacturers, and other information.

Oregon State Scenic Bikeways -- Ride the best of the best on routes, including the Willamette Valley Scenic Bikeway, that have been designated as scenic bikeways by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission. -- A web site promoting bicycling in Oregon that offers a comprehensive cycling events calendar in the state and a blog.

Transporation Action Network -- Information on transportation and growth issues.

Victoria Transport Policy Institute -- A source for practical tools for incorporating social and environmental values into transportation decision making by describing, quantifying and evaluating transportation benefits, costs and equity impacts.

Cycling Clubs and Organizations


BIKES Club of Snohomish County -- Everett, Washington club sponsoring rides in the Puget Sound area, including the McClinchy Mile Bike Ride.


Cascade Bicycle Club, Seattle, Washington--The largest cycling club in the United States and sponsor of the popular STP (Seattle to Portland) and RSVP (Ride from Seattle to Vancouver and Party) rides.


Central Oregon Wheelers -- Bend, Oregon recreational road biking club.


Community Cycling Center -- A non-profit organization in Portland, Oregon with the mission of building skills and fostering the personal growth of youth through community-oriented recreational and educational bicycle programs and services.


GEARS -- Eugene, Oregon club promoting recreational bicycle riding and community bicycle activities.


Greater Arizona Bicycling Association -- A bicycling organization promoting cycling in Tucson and the rest of Arizona.


League of American Bicyclists -- Founded in 1880 as the League of American Wheelmen to protect the rights and promote the interests of bicyclists.


Mid-Valley Bicycle Club, Corvallis, Oregon -- A recreational club for beginning and experienced bicyclists of all ages and sponsors of the Covered Bridge Bicycle Tour


Mt Baker Bicycle Club -- A club of bicycle enthusiasts located in Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington.


Portland Bicycling Club -- Portland's largest bicycle club with rides offered daily for all types of cyclists in an E-Bike friendly cycling environment.


Seattle Bicycle Club -- A not-for-profit membership organization dedicated to the interests of recreational cycling enthusiasts.


Siskiyou Velo -- The largest and most active bicycling club in Southern Oregon and sponsors of the Mountain Lakes Challenge.


The Street Trust -- A Portland-based non-profit organization working to promote bicycle use and improved bicycling and walking conditions and the providers of a comprehensive curriculum teaching children traffic savvy through classroom activities and on-the-bike practice.


Tacoma Wheelmen's Bicycle Club, Tacoma Washington -- Founded in 1888 to promote and develop safe bicycling for recreation, health and alternate transportation.


Tri-County Bicycle Association, Lansing, Michigan -- The largest bicycle club in Michigan offering a range of recreational rides almost every day and four annual bicycle tours (including the annual DALMAC 4 or 5 day 300-400 mile camping tour from Lansing to St. Ignace over the Mackinac Bridge).


UltraMarathon Cycling Association -- A non-profit international club with over 1200 members in 20 countries sponsoring of a range of events including the Year-Rounder Century Challenge and sanctioning the Race Across America and RAAM qualifiers such as Race Across Oregon and the 508.


Umpqua Velo -- A recreational cycling organization in Roseburg, Oregon.


Vancouver Bicycle Club -- Southwest Washington's recreational cycling club and sponsors of the annual Ride Around Clark County.


West Sound Cycling Club -- A social cycling club in Kitsap County, Washington.

Non-Profit and Club Rides

Area Event Rides: See an updated list of local and regional rides here.

Multi-Day Tours and Tour Operators


Bicycle Rides Northwest -- Sponsors of the annual 7-day Oregon Bike Ride (OBR) and rides in Idaho, Montana, and Washington featuring scenic routes, good food, and outstanding support.


Bike and the Like -- Tour operator offering supported bicycle tours in U.S., Canada and Europe, including Cape Cod, Holland, and Prague to Budapest.


Breakaway Adventures -- A bicycle and walking tour company offering self-guided, independent tours throughout Europe.


Breton Bikes -- A tour operator since 1989 offering unique cycling holidays in France.


Ciclismo Classico -- A travel company based in Arlington, MA that since1989 has specialized in Italian bicycling and walking tours and that has recently expanded to tours in New England, Spain, Ireland, Austria, and France.


Cycle Greece -- A bicycle tour company located in Greece covering all regions of the country by road bike and mountain bike.


Cycle Oregon -- A seven-day, non-competitive bicycle tour that explores a different region of rural Oregon each year. Two thousand cyclists visit several communities with a full complement of services and amenities along the way.


DiscoverFrance -- The French Bike Tour specialist offering bicycle trips to France.


ExperiencePlus -- A company offering bicycle tours in Italy, Ireland, Spain, France, Denmark, Greece, Costa Rica, and New Zealand. -- A tour operator offering a choice of over 20 rides geared for bikers of all levels through a picturesque area of Italy near the Adriatic Sea.


Iron Donkey -- A company offering self-guided as well as custom designed tours for experienced cyclists in Ireland.


Pedalers Pub & Grille -- A tour company specializing in bicycle tours in Asia and Alaska. The folks behind Pedalers have been organizing and guiding bicycle tours since the late 80s for other tour operators.


RAGBRAI -- A ride across Iowa sponsored by the Des Moines Register -- the original cross-state cycling tour.


Timberline Adventures -- A small tour company offering fully supported, inn-to-inn bicycling and hiking adventure vacations throughout the western U.S. and Canada.


Western Spirit Cycling -- A mountain and road bike tour company based out of Moab Utah. Winner of Outside Magazine's 'Trip of the Year' 2005.