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HomeJuly 2024 Board Minutes-Pending Approval

Salem Bicycle Club

Board Meeting Minutes

July 10, 2024


1) Call to Order- Present: Debbie Miller, Tim Newman, Julie Glass, Jillian Trinkaus, Dan Shryock, Rob Gramenz, Norm Johnson, Ken Freeman, Steve Budde

2) Approval of June minutes- Board reviewed June’s minutes and approved unanimously

3) Treasurer’s Report- Rob Gramenz reports that our current total bank account numbers show that the net amount is $33,350.67. So far, we have earned $317 on our CD.

4) Donation report- A motion was made and passed unanimously to move the remaining $5.61 from the Monster Cookie memorial fund to the general memorial fund to clean up the accounts.

            - There was discussion about considering if and also how much we might allocate into next year’s budget to reserve for future donations. Jillian Trinkaus, Steve Budde, and Rob Gramenz agreed to outline potential donation guidelines and bring it to the next meeting.

5) Membership update- Julie Glass reports our current membership number is higher at 265. She has been emailing lapsed members in small groups to try and boost membership.

6) Spokes – Dan Shryock reports the open rate for Spokes remains high at 71%. He also is giving notice that he is stepping away from the job as editor effective January 2, 2025.

7) Rides committee- Tim Newman reports there is nothing new to report except a notation that the new system of uploading of ride sheets by ride coordinators is going very well.

8) SWAG – Tim Newman reports that insulated water bottles are available in 4 colors with a minimum order of #36 for the cost of $11.50 per bottle. A motion was made to purchase #36 with 9 of each of the 4 colors as a starter to see how they sell. It was approved unanimously.

                 - The purchase of wrist bands to hold reusable numbers to use at bike corals was brought up. Some felt it was a good idea, but others felt it was an unnecessary expense. Rob Gramenz felt we could just use clothes pins and pieces of paper and he will work on setting this up.

               - A discussion of stock club T-shirts on our new on-line store front was undertaken. In the interest of time, the discussion was tabled before the full information below could be brought up, but it is included below for reference.:

            a) Dave at promotions West has quoted a price:  The cost of the shirts for the club would be as follows:

This is with a 1 color front print and a 2-color sleeve print.


24-49 count

  PC54 100% cotton S-XL   $14.95

  ST450 100% poly  S-XL    $17.95



  PC54 100%  cotton  S-XL  $12.95

  ST450 100% poly   S-XL   $15.95

Add $3 for size 2XL


              b) Brooke Schelar -Tim reached out to Brooke Schelar from Salemander, who does the T-shirts for Salem Bike Vision. These are about 50/50 cotton and polyester blend and sell to the public for $25.00. She suggested that since we already have a design, we reach out directly to the T-shirt printer,

Debbie will find out more information about this.


                c) 00shirts- Tim found a company called 00shirts that offers cotton T-shirts with the logo and bike graphic and saying for $12.14 per shirt, but more details on shipping, material, etc. are needed.


Debbie will send information to Steve Budde, who knows of a screen printer who might work better for us.


9) Canopy- a break in of the locker included the loss of our new SBC tent.  Tim priced out a replacement along with a second tent that is needed for the Monster Cookie. It is very similar to the one that was stolen and for the two of them along with sides and flags, the total is $3140.94. The board made a motion to approve the purchase of these two tents and it was seconded and approved unanimously.


10) Safe Routes to School – progress has been tabled on the club survey at the request of Beth Schmidt from SRTS.


11) Wellness events – two tabling events for SBC at wellness events were scheduled but the first was cancelled due to the tent being stolen. If we can replace the tent, we will try and attend the second for the Oregon State Lottery


12) Summer potluck- the date for this is set at August 21st, with the site TBD. Steve Budde generously agreed to be the point for the event and will look into venues.


13) Locker theft – around June 29th our locker was broken into and 2 stocked large rolling totes, 3 stocked smaller totes, one stocked sag driver kit, 4 tents, 8 tables, and several camp chairs as well as possible other items were stolen. Discussion was about moving to a different storage facility in a safer area with more security. Tim found a place in West Salem with indoor access and better security and board members were invited to join Tim soon in a tour of the facility.  It is much cheaper to rent a 10 x 10 than a 10 x 20 like we currently have, but there was concern about the ability to work in the smaller crowded locker in the months before the Monster Cookie, when it is often raining outside.


14) Locker purge – Tim Newman wishes to postpone this until the police finish investigating the locker break in. It is thought that if we can down-size the locker contents, we can get a smaller locker and save money.


15) Next meetings:


              -The August board meeting is cancelled due to the potluck picnic and busy summer schedules. The August potluck picnic will be August 21st with details to follow

              -The September general meeting will be Wednesday September 11th and Debbie will check with Beth Schmidt from Safe Routes to School to see if she can speak at that meeting.