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HomeJune 2024 Board Minutes

Salem Bicycle Club

General Meeting

June 11, 2024

1) Call to order- Board Members Present: Norm Johnson, Bonnie Beal, Julie Glass, Ken Freeman, Jillian Trinkhaus, Tim Newman, Rob Gramenz, Debbie Miller

2) Approval of May Minutes- The board unanimously approved the May minutes without changes.

3) Treasurer’s Report – Rob Gramenz reported that we are doing well financially with lots of earnings from the Monster Cookie, but still some expenses outstanding. Current total balance is $33,621.75. Board members received full reports from Jackie LeFevre and no problems were noticed with expenses. We earned $276 on our CDs, so that is proving to be a good investment.

4) Membership Report – Julie Glass reports that there are 102 lapsed members and a letter to them was drafted as being sent out in batches. Reminder letters are being sent 30 days prior to expiration of memberships as well.

5) Spokes – Dan Shryock was unable to attend. Tim Newman reports that 907 emails are sent with Spokes per month to members and non-members with interest in it, and the open rate is 75%.

6) Rides Committee Update – Tim Newman reports that we are still looking for a new rides committee leader for when his term ends this fall. He is getting help from member Terry Robbins. We are happy that some new members are joining the rides committee and leading rides. Ride sheets are now being uploaded directly to the website, instead of giving to Marilyn Monson in paper form to cross-check. This seems to be working better and ensures that records are kept for a while for insurance purposes.

7) SWAG- Tim Newman reports SWAG sales did very well, and we sold out of things and could have done more at the Monster Cookie. We cannot sell at some events but could sell at the Art Fair this September. He has researched this and items he discussed are:

        -SBC hats, cost $22.50

       -Insulated water bottles, cost $11.50 per bottle with #36 minimum. Non-insulated water bottles for $1.75 each cost is available but aren’t appealing to members after discussion. Most likely it was felt we should buy a supply of water bottles for sale and gifts, and this should be brought up for vote at the July board meeting.

       -multitool- Tim found some for cost of $5.69 each but concerns about quality with our SBC logo on it were discussed.

       -Jersey- The Castelli jersey sizing was difficult, and they were expensive, but Peak 1 can do the same design for a cost of $59 for #25 + jerseys and $49 for #15-24. This will be discussed and voted on in the July meeting

      - T-shirts- Tim is calling on any interested members who want to put forth ideas for stock supplies of SBC T-shirt designs to email him with actual designs and shirts and prices.

Tim would like eventually to have an on-line store for SBC, but there are logistics to be addressed.

8) Salem-Keizer Schools (SKS) Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Bike Program – SBC provided 4 volunteers for this pilot program at SK Schools involving 3 schools over 9 weeks with over 600 students participating. It was a tremendous success, and SKS schools and SRTS are looking at continuing, and hopefully expanding, the program for the 2024-25 school year. They would like to get an idea of how much interest in volunteering there is for SBC and other bike enthusiasts in the Salem area. The plan is to put together a survey about interest and give that feedback to SRTS in the upcoming weeks.  

9) MC 2024 summary – Ken Freeman reviewed the numbers for the 2024 MC and it was a huge success. Over 560 cyclists registered for the new route with 321 in 2023. The revenue in 2024 is $35,173, compared with $21, 371 in 2023. So far, the profit is over $10,000, compared with over $3000 last year, but there are still a few bills outstanding. The event committee, as opposed to just a single organizer, was a great success and will be continued next year. The surveys from participants were overwhelmingly positive and it’s likely the same route and similar format will be continued. There will need to be discussion about what the club wishes to do with the increased income to give back to the community in the future.

10) Upcoming activities: The next SBC board meeting is July 10th 6:30 PM via zoom.

                                            The club picnic will be in August with date to be determined

                                             A club storage locker clean-up will be organized this fall