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Date: 7/2/2024
Subject: Spokes Newsletter / July 2024
From: Salem Bicycle Club

Club Supports Other Century Rides, Awards Mileage
 Salem Bicycle Club members are scoring mileage credits as they join out-of-town century rides.
 The club’s Board of Directors is experimenting with a new policy encouraging members to join other century events with two goals: encouraging people to experience rides in other areas and supporting other clubs’ fundraising efforts. 
 It’s an evolving idea. The bike club has OK'd applying these miles toward members' annual mileage totals. It started when members traveled south last September to experience the annual Ride the Rim event around Crater Lake. A small group then joined the Pioneer Century in June. It was a reciprocal gesture; the Portland Bicycling Club regularly brings a large group to our Monster Cookie ride.
 Another 13 club riders, meanwhile, traveled the same weekend to the Lebanon Strawberry Century in support of the Santiam Spokes Bicycle Club.
 It doesn’t end there. Mileage credits are available on Aug. 11 during the Mid-Valley Bicycle Club’s Covered Bridge Tour. And, of course, the Crater Lake ride takes place again on Saturday, Sept. 7.
 “These rides were recommended by the club rides committee and approved by the board on a test basis,” club president Tim Newman said. The committee will work with the board following the Crater Lake ride to develop a new policy for 2025.
 Early feedback has been positive.
 “We had a chance to support others who love road biking as much as we do,” Debbie Miller said following the Strawberry Century ride. “We met with people from the Santiam Spokes club, Mid-Valley Bicycle Club, and others. We talked about supporting each other's events in the future. The interactions brought us together as a cycling community and brought attention to Salem Bicycle Club.”

Off the Back:
The Definition of Volunteerism
Club president Tim Newman takes a look at all the Salem Bicycle Club is doing in the Salem-Keizer community and recognizes it's all for "a greater cause."
See the list for yourself. It's impressive.

Five Questions
We ask club members five questions each month. Club president Tim Newman is July's featured cyclist.
Tim joined the Salem Bicycle Club shortly after moving to Salem in 2019. He quickly volunteered his time, joining the Board of Directors. He's now president, the Rides Committee chair, and a regular ride leader.
Here are Tim's Five Questions.
Q1: What is your favorite local ride?

Honestly, I do not have a favorite local ride. For the most part, I like all the rides I participate in. Since I can only go on the weekends, I look on the ride as a chance to get to know members, ride with some of my club friends, and meditate along the way.

Q2: What is the best out-of-town ride you've ever experienced?

I have only done two out-of-town rides, one was the Tour De Big Bear when my wife and I had a cabin in Big Bear, Calif. I was part of the club there as well. It was a 70-mile ride with a lot of elevation. The other was the Covered Bridges ride (68 miles) where I struggled the first time, but the sights were incredible and the covered bridges were really wonderful. I am doing that one again this year with the hope to be better prepared this time.

Q3: Do you prefer to go uphill, downhill, or keep it level?

Level for me, for sure. I'm not a thrill seeker so I tend to ride my brakes downhill and uphill, well, is uphill.

Q4: What's the best part of being a club member?

The camaraderie plays a big part along with the stops along the way to talk with other club members and learning their stories. As Doug Parrow said last month (in this space), it's invaluable. I am also very service-driven and I really enjoy being part of something greater than myself. With so many choices, and some clubs struggling to stay alive, its important to keep getting the word out, show the youth (our adults of tomorrow) that biking is not only good exercise but is also fun and can bring really good people into your life.

Q5: Why do you ride?

To stay active and healthy, see countryside that I probably would not fully appreciate being in a vehicle, and to clear my mind.

Find your next ride on the club website.
Click Here

The Salem Bicycle Club board meetings continue on Zoom. please check the website for updates.

Board Meeting
July 10, 6:30 p.m.
Contact Tim Newman for a Zoom link.

Board Minutes
Salem Bicycle Club Board of Directors meeting minutes are posted online.
Board Minutes Directory

Two Bikes For Sale
Barb Schreiber still has twin recumbent bikes for sale.

The two 2016 Terra Trike recumbent 3-wheeled bikes are in excellent condition and little use. They have NuVinci drive trains, smooth shifting, adjustable seats and handlebars. They come with saddle packs, helmets, mirrors, horns, racks & flags.

barb says she is open to reasonable offers. Contact her by email or call 503-949-8403.

The Salem Bicycle Club is an affiliate of the
League of American Bicyclists
1612 K Street NW, Suite 308
Washington, DC 20006
We encourage our members to join the LAB

Spokes is published and distributed via email each month by the Salem Bicycle Club in Salem, Oregon. The opinions expressed in Spokes are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Salem Bicycle Club.