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Date: 6/3/2024
Subject: Spokes Newsletter / June 2024
From: Salem Bicycle Club

Pizza Meeting on June 11
The Salem Bicycle Club meets on Tuesday, June 11, for pizza, conservation, and a review of this year's Monster Cookie Metric Century, the club's major fundraising event of the year.

Members are invited to arrive after 5:30 p.m. Pizza is served at 6 p.m. and the meeting starts 30 minutes later at Painters Hall, 3911 Village Center Drive SE.

Club Helps School Students Learn About Bike Safety
Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School piloted a new program this spring with Salem-Keizer Public Schools to teach bicycle safety to more than 600 students area elementary school students.

The effort, led by Safe Routes to School program coordinator Beth Schmidt, gained support from Cycle Oregon, which provided a bike fleet and helmets, and Salem Bicycle Club volunteers. Physical education teachers at Chavez, Harritt, and Morningside elementary schools received training and curriculum. SBC members shared basic technical support involving bike maintenance and adjustments. They also helped teachers set up equipment, allowing more time for bicycle instruction.

Schmidt said she found the program to be both a learning experience and an opportunity to develop innovative ways to teach bicycle safety.

“This bicycle safety pilot would not have succeeded without the help of Salem Bicycle Club,” she said. “I am grateful for your partnership and support and look forward to next year and many more volunteers.”

Information can be found at the Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School website -

In Other News
It's been a busy month. The Salem Bicycle Club played a role in several events in May promoting safe bicycling and wellness. Members also took time to remember one of our own.

It started with a Wellness Fair at the Capitol Mall where several club board members talked with state employees about bicycle safety and the benefits of being a club member.

More than 50 cyclists joined the Ride of Silence on May 15 during an event co-hosted by the bike club and Salem Bike Vision.  The annual ride is intended to pay tribute to those who have been injured or killed while riding a bike and raise public awareness for the need for more dedicated road space for bicyclists.

Nearly 30 friends gathered in late May to ride together in memory of Joanne Heilinger, a longtime club member who passed away in 2022 after a long illness.  The ride followed along Torvend Road, one of Joanne's favorite routes, and ended with strawberry shortcake at EZ Orchards.

Find more information about each moment on the club's website.

The Magic Number is 4 
The bike club is staffing support station No. 2 during the Ironman 70.3 Oregon competition and we still need four more volunteers on July 21. Sign up at the Ironman website or contact Tim Newman via email.

Off the Back:

Bike Advocacy This Summer

Well, we made it. We weathered the winter and now comes the time we all look forward to, summer weather to enjoy what we signed up for with the club. It is wonderful to see the number of riders coming out. Hard to believe the club has already ridden a combined 32,301 miles as of May 23.

We still have some summer volunteer activities on the schedule to promote cycling in the Salem-Keizer community. We what we've accomplished and what's still ahead.

Read More

Five Questions
We are asking club members five questions and this month we turn to Doug Parrow.
Doug has been one of the Salem Bicycle Club's most active, tireless volunteers and proficient rider for years. He's performed most every club task possible and annually regularly ranks among the top cyclists in total miles.
Here are Doug's Five Questions.
Q1: What is your favorite local ride?
Club members who are regulars on the Tuesday Keizer Morning rides know that one of my favorite routes is to Silverton via Edison Road. The route features a mix of hills — none overly long or steep — and quiet roads. It enters Silverton on a fun downhill.

Q2: What is the best out-of-town ride you've ever experienced?
It’s hard to pick one best ride. The three tours that I took to see portions the Tour de France were epic. We had the opportunity to ride many of the major climbs in the Alps and Pyrenees that have been included in the race over the years. There was nothing quite like riding up Alpe d'Huez in the morning ahead of the race. It seemed everybody in France was either along the road or on their way — bicycling, running, walking — toward the top and, as we approached the finish line (either through enthusiasm or sarcasm at the sight of riders moving a third the speed of the real athletes) the spectators were pounding on the barricades and yelling “Allez, Allez, Allez.”

Q3: Do you prefer to go uphill, downhill, or keep it level?
Downhill, definitely downhill, but it has to be earned. No motorized trips to the top of a hill, just to be able to coast back down.

Q4: What's the best part of being a club member?
The camaraderie, particularly at coffee stops. The opportunity to connect with other club members at a mid-point stop is invaluable. The other benefit of the club is the ride schedule that dictates the time that I need to get moving in the morning to join a ride and prevents me from getting sidetracked by other, unimportant things like yardwork.

Q5: Why do you ride?
To stay healthy. It’s the one form of exercise that I have been able to sustain and bicycling has had the added benefit of allowing me to see many places at a speed that has allowed me to take in the scenery—except on the way back down from an epic climb.

It's suitable for printing!

The Salem Bicycle Club board meetings continue on Zoom. please check the website for updates.

General Meeting
June 11, 6-8 p.m.
Topics include a Monster Cookie review and a discussion of club plans into 2025. Pizza is served.

Board Meeting
July 10, 6:30 p.m.
Contact Tim Newman for a Zoom link.

Board Minutes
Salem Bicycle Club Board of Directors meeting minutes are posted online.
Board Minutes Directory

 Three Bikes For Sale
Barb Schreiber has three bikes for sale ... including twin recumbents.

The two 2016 Terra Trike recumbent 3-wheeled bikes are in excellent condition and little use. They have NuVinci drive trains, smooth shifting, adjustable seats and handlebars. They come with saddle packs, helmets, mirrors, horns, racks & flags. $1,400 for the set.

The other bike is a 2012 Trek Domane 5.9. It has a size 52 frame, a 50-34 crankset in front and a 10-gear cassette in the back. It includes Shimano Di2 electronic shifters (with an extra battery and charger) and currently rides on 25 mm tires. Asking price is $700.

Contact Barb Schreiber by email or call 503-949-8403.

The Salem Bicycle Club is an affiliate of the
League of American Bicyclists
1612 K Street NW, Suite 308
Washington, DC 20006
We encourage our members to join the LAB
Spokes is published and distributed via email each month by the Salem Bicycle Club in Salem, Oregon. The opinions expressed in Spokes are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Salem Bicycle Club.