Events - Month View
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Suggested Rest Stop: None
Suggested Rest Stop: Bauman‘s
Baskett Slough trailhead on Coville Road, lat/long 44.957185, -123.245525.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not yet an official SBC route; club miles may not be awarded.
Ride starts at Baskett Slough trailhead near Rickreall on Coville Road, lat/long 44.957185, -123.245525.
Route goes on Hwy. 99W for short stretches.
Total route is about 15 miles (90% gravel) and about 600‘ vertical climb.
PARKING IS LIMITED at trailhead; carpooling is encouraged.
Due to concerns around freezing temperatures and low snow levels, this ride is cancelled.
Meet in the Keizer Station shopping center in front of REI.
Meet at McKay Park on Hollywood Dr between Silverton Rd and Sunnyview Rd. Park on the street or in the west parking lot if the gates are closed. Rider sign-in will be in the east parking lot.
Via Zoom--link will be sent to Committee Members and invitees in advance
Via Zoom--contact Michael Karnosh for link
Agenda to include: Recap of Gravel Demo 1, Westside Short Rides discussion continued, Committee Recruitment, San Juan Islands discussion continued, and Ride Scheduling for April-first half May.
Cummings Elementary School
Meet at Cummings Elementary School in Keizer. Legal head lights and tail lights are required. Rides are subject to cancellation. Contact the ride coordinator prior to 5:30 pm if you intend to ride.
if you would like to be a part of reach out to Ken Freeman to get zoom code
Rest Stop: Bring own Lunch Picnic in Park
Suggested Rest Stop: Silverton Coffee Station, Gear Up
Suggested Rest Stop: Juanita‘s Café, Center Market
Suggested Rest Stop: Keizer Station Starbucks
Meet in the Keizer Station shopping center in front of REI.
Meet at McKay Park on Hollywood Dr between Silverton Rd and Sunnyview Rd. Park on the street or in the west parking lot if the gates are closed. Rider sign-in will be in the east parking lot.
Monthly Board meeting held Via Zoom
Call to Order
Approval of January Minutes (on Website)
Treasurer Report-Robin (you can few the January Financials from Home page click 2025 Financials
Rides Committee Report-Terry Robbins
Monster Cookie Update-Ken
SKSR Update-Debbie
Awards Dinner Final Thoughts after-Tim
Any New Business to Discuss
SBC Club Jersey from Peak 1 Sports
Make decision and vote to order based on Report from Tim and Juan
Discussion regarding Santiam Pass closure and if we need to create a protest letter from SBC
Close Meeting
Cummings Elementary School
Meet at Cummings Elementary School in Keizer. Legal head lights and tail lights are required. Rides are subject to cancellation. Contact the ride coordinator prior to 5:30 pm if you intend to ride.
Riverview Park, lat/long 44.854047, -123.184049
PLEASE NOTE: This is not yet an official SBC route; club miles may not be awarded.
Ride starts in Independence, Oregon, at Riverview Park on C Street, lat/long 44.854047, -123.184049.
Route goes on Hwy. 51 for short stretches.
Total route is about 18 miles (40% gravel) and about 800‘ vertical climb.
PARKING IS LIMITED at Riverview Park; carpooling is encouraged.
Suggested Rest Stop: None. Starts in Jefferson
Suggested Rest Stop: Keiser Station Starbucks
Meet in the Keizer Station shopping center in front of REI.
Meet at McKay Park on Hollywood Dr between Silverton Rd and Sunnyview Rd. Park on the street or in the west parking lot if the gates are closed. Rider sign-in will be in the east parking lot.
Cummings Elementary School
Meet at Cummings Elementary School in Keizer. Legal head lights and tail lights are required. Rides are subject to cancellation. Contact the ride coordinator prior to 5:30 pm if you intend to ride.
Suggested Rest Stop: Bauman‘s
Suggested Rest Stop: Gear Up, Starbucks
Suggested Rest Stop: The Sippery, Brew Coffee, Ovenbird Bakery
Suggested Rest Stop: None
Meet in the Keizer Station shopping center in front of REI.
Meet at McKay Park on Hollywood Dr between Silverton Rd and Sunnyview Rd. Park on the street or in the west parking lot if the gates are closed. Rider sign-in will be in the east parking lot.
Cummings Elementary School
Meet at Cummings Elementary School in Keizer. Legal head lights and tail lights are required. Rides are subject to cancellation. Contact the ride coordinator prior to 5:30 pm if you intend to ride.