Salem Bicycle Club
Board Meeting Minutes
December 18, 2024 via Zoom
1) Call to Order- Present: Norm Johnson, Bonnie Beal, Robin Williams, Debbie Miller, Rob Gramenz, Tim Newman, Colin Benson, Terry Robbins, Julie Glass, Juan Lopez, Tim Newman, Ken Freeman.
Tim asked each member to talk a little about themselves and also about what
is important to them going forward with the club.
2) Approval of November Meeting Minutes- November minutes were reviewed during the meeting and approved unanimously by Board members.
3) Urgent Board Motions-The Board unanimously approved two previously discussed Urgent Board Motions for flowers for an injured member and renewal of CD.
4) Treasurer’s Report- Rob Gramenz reports assets are currently $27,234.89 and stable. The Monster Cookie ultimately generated about $10,000 in profits, which is up significantly from recent years. The CD was renewed for 5 months. He has met with new Treasurer, Robin Williams to discuss the duties. The board also took time to review the current Treasurer’s Duties list on our website, which does need updating. Tim will work with Jackie LeFevre and Robin to review and update the duties. Robin will familiarize herself with the treasurer duties and QuickBooks system.
5) Rides Committee Report-Tim Newman. Michael Karnosh will be the new Rides Committee Chair starting next month. One goal of the Rides Committee is to bring on a gravel ride options as well as organize more family rides
6) Spokes Report- Colin Benson: Colin has been meeting with outgoing editor, Dan Shryock, to understand the workflow involved in the monthly Spokes Magazine, and his first edition will be coming in early January. He will be coordinating content with Tim and Dan. Debbie will write an article on the Safe Routes to School program for the newsletter.
7) Monster Cookie Report- Ken Freeman reports that the next Monster Cookie Planning Committee meeting is January 9th at 6:30 PM via Zoom. He drew attention to the documents that have been loaded onto the Club Express website and encouraged others involved to load their documents as well. David Philbrick has stepped up as the volunteer coordinator. Ken noted that if any route changes are planned, they can be incorporated into a member ride as they were last year.
8) Salem-Keizer Safe Routes to School Program volunteering report – Debbie Miller reported that the pilot program last spring was very successful and has been expanded for this school year to include more schools and an additional program. Now K-2nd grade has been offered the program Learn to Ride and 3rd -5th will be again offered the program Bike Safety. Safe Routes to School has a very limited budget and they have repeatedly said that they could
not do the program without Salem Bicycle Club volunteers. The last school year we had 4 volunteers, and this year we have 9 so far, 7 from the club and 2 from the outside. But we need 1-2 volunteers for each shift, and some are no longer available, so more need to be recruited. Debbie Miller is the SBC volunteer coordinator for the program and will work on recruiting more members by writing and article for Spokes, advertising on the Facebook member page, facilitating advertising on Instagram with Steve Budde, and putting together
a group email with Tim Newman.
9) Awards Dinner Update – The Board approved a motion to offer a $50 gift card to the top 3 volunteers for 2024
10) Petty Cash Fund- A board member suggested allowing the President to use a $200 pre-approved amount for urgent needs by establishing a petty cash fund. Most Board members agreed that the urgent motions were not common and have been accomplished easily when need by email or text, so no petty cash was needed.
11) Accounting update- Tim Newman reports the technically the Treasurer should be in charge of the books, but due to her talents and dedication to the Club, Jackie LeFevre has been taking on the accounting role at no cost to the club. She has been offered payment, but has refused. The accounts are on her personal computer, and it has been suggested that in the interest of continuity they should be kept on a more accessible open account. Tim and Jackie both think Quick Books Simple Start is a good option and the board approved a motion to move into this. The most likely cost will be starting January 1 with $17.50 per month for the first 3 months then ongoing $35 per months afterwards. Ken thought there might be better pricing options and will send links to Tim, and it is agreed that if the options
are better, Tim should move to those instead.
12) Next Meetings: January 9th 6:30 PM Monster Cookie Planning Committee via zoom and January 15 6:30 PM Board Meeting via Zoom.