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HomeMeet the Candidates
Tim Newman 2024

Tim Newman

All of you know me by now, so if I am elected as President in 2025, I will continue to look for ways that our club can be of service to the community. through donation requests and other ways that we can get the word out that we are more than just a club that rides. 

I want to see gravel rides become a permanent part of our rides schedule, establish a recurring family ride to compliment the Keizer family ride already established.

n the administrative side, I am going to work on moving our accounting books to the cloud and find ways to continue to generate passive income streams that align with our signature Monster Cookie annual ride.

I feel that we have accomplished quite a bit in 2024, and I would like to be your leader again for 2025 to continue our good work.

Steve Budde

Steve Budde

I have been a bicyclist for most of my adult life, but did not ride regularly or with a group of friends until I joined our club a few years ago. I truly love almost everything about bicycles and riding, and I love being a part of a big, group effort like The Monster Cookie.

One of the things I would like to explore in the coming year is whether there is a place for bicycle touring in our ride and event mix. I would be happy and honored to serve for another year as the club Vice President. Thank you.

Robin Williams

Robin Williams

I accept the nomination for member-at-large board member because I want to help the Salem Bike Club. I have met and become friends with many club members, I enjoy the club rides and want to help keep the club riding along smoothly.

Juan Lopez

Juan Lopez

I accept the nomination for the board spot because I am excited to keep expanding our cycling club. I am committed to promoting bike advocacy, and it would be a new venture in my life. I feel like I bring a unique perspective that would positively contribute to board discussions and decision making.

Terry Robbins

Terry Robbins

My decision to accept a nomination for the SBC Board of Directors really came down to one thought ... the thought of serving others. Shortly after moving to Salem in 2007, I began riding with the club, eventually joined, and have since enjoyed many good times and made many new friendships along the way ... all through the hard efforts of those who served before me. Now, I'm hoping for the opportunity to serve our membership and to further our club's efforts in our communities so that others may experience even more!

Colin Benson

Colin Benson

Two years ago, I took a new job and realized too late that I would have to pay for parking. I quickly got a bus pass, but a buddy suggested something remarkably foolish; that I commute on a bicycle.  I ignored him, of course, but several weeks later, after an incident with an inebriated bus rider, I decided I would give it a chance. On April 1, 2022 I swung my leg over a $500 flat bar bicycle and rode to work for the first time. Like any other addictive drug, it wasn't long before I began to use cycling recreationally. Being a sailor, I quickly found a group of rough looking renegades and pirates called the Salem Bicycle Club. I rode with them once and realized I fit in.  

I would like to contribute to the SBC. The club has provided me with a great way to exercise safely, I have learned a great deal about cycling from the membership and I would like to return the favor by devoting some of my time and attention to the club. My job is demanding, and I travel a lot, but I can edit Spokes from pretty much anywhere. I'm pretty good with a camera too so I can take photos on weekend rides. I have edited newsletters before, so I have a little experience, and I like writing. I am a lawyer by trade so putting words to paper comes naturally.  

Thank you for the opportunity and I will see some of you on a weekend ride.  Keep pedaling!


Wendell Goff

I'm in my second year as an SBC member. I began cycling 2.5 years ago, and being a part of something outside myself that supports fitness, love of hopping on the bike, and good relationships is a mainstay of my journey.

I accepted the nomination of member-at-large to make a commitment to give back to an organization that just keeps on giving. Let's see what we got in SBC's future!