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HomeOff the Back June 2024
Off the Back

Bike Advocacy This Summer

Well, we made it. We weathered the winter and now comes the time we all look forward to, summer weather to enjoy what we signed up for with the club. Riding with friends, making new friends, meeting new members, and getting re-acquainted with long-term members who are getting back into riding.

It is wonderful to see the number of riders coming out during the week and on the weekend. Hard to believe the club has already ridden a combined 32,301 miles as of May 23.

We still have some summer volunteer activities on the schedule. We're staffing aid station No. 2 during the Ironman 70.3 Oregon competition on July 21. We've also been asked to bring our bike tent to the Local DMV Wellness Fair on July 18 and the Oregon State Lottery Wellness Fair sometime in August. Our members also are doing an outstanding job volunteering with the Safe Routes to School program with Salem-Keizer school district.

The Salem Bicycle Club is getting well deserved recognition for being something more than just a club that rides. We are leaning in hard on bike advocacy and safe lanes, along with educating (and sometimes re-educating) riders on the rules of the road and ride etiquette.

I am looking forward to our General Meeting on June 11 (which includes a pizza party) and a recap of the 2024 Monster Cookie event. Please join us, celebrate with some pizza and good company,

Your grateful club resident,

Tim Newman