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HomeOff the Back May 2024
Off the Back

Monster Cookie in the Rearview Mirror

The day is over. More than 500 riders have pedaled and left, rest stops are cleaned up, and the U-Haul has been unloaded back into locker. Everyone has gone home to take a deep breath and get a good night’s sleep.

Let me back up a bit to, to Nov., 11, 2023, our general meeting, where the “Monster Cookie Re-Imagined” was born. It all started with concerns of safety regarding the longtime route, and ended with a fresh coat of paint, new ideas and thoughts, and a plan of execution. Sounds easy enough, right?

Not so fast.

Countless meetings, test rides, pushback, give and take, forging out duties and responsibilities, permits, volunteering, all to plan for one day. The goal was to create an enjoyable ride, for some to dust off the bike that sat all winter, and for others a chance to stretch their legs for the upcoming biking season and see how much work they need to do to get into biking shape. For new riders, it was an opportunity to try it out and see if biking was for them.

The quote “If you build it, they will come” was in my mind .. and come they did. Were we fully prepared to meet the demands and questions? Not as much as I would have wanted, but concerns quickly disappeared. An arsenal of dedicated volunteers showed up to take on their roles and carry out each task with 100 percent enthusiasm so that the registered riders could have that Sunday ride experience.

Were their glitches and challenges? Of course, but as I witnessed everyone leaned in to tackle and resolve quickly so that the event could continue.

Volunteers, SBC and non-SBC, thank you, for giving your time, your patience, your smiles, and more than anything, your love of biking to make this Monster Cookie Re-Imagined ride a day of memories for all who participated.


In the next few weeks, we will be sending out an anonymous survey to ask your opinion of what things went well, and areas we can improve on for next year. I encourage all who either participated in the ride or just volunteered to give some good feedback so the next MC committee can fine-tune and make 2025 Monster Cookie even more successful.


Stay safe on the road,

Tim Newman

Club President