Off the Back
Courtesy on the Road
Last month a member of the club emailed me with a concern that happened during the 2023 Monster Cookie and felt comfortable enough to share hoping to make me aware of how our club is being represented.
The letter essentially said that there were three or four biking groups (six to eight people per group) that were “hogging” the road and not following the rules of the bike etiquette that we should be applying all the time. It's just plain common sense for safety.
She went on to say that these groups did not move over, even after being prompted by other bicyclists and motorists. Motorists were honking and screaming unkind words which made it very uncomfortable for those who were obeying the rules and trying to enjoy a beautiful ride on an otherwise beautiful day.
These actions of a few groups DO NOT represent what the Salem Bicycle Club stands for and advocates for daily. We host more than 400 rides per year in addition to one major event that is our sole fundraiser. We give back to the community and advocate for better pathways for safe biking.
We all need to have a voice and not let a few riders ruin it for all of us. We are already getting challenged by motorists each and every day and the more we fail at basic courtesies of the roadways, the more power, strength and voice the motorists have to deny much needed funding for safe paths for biking.
This month is our signature event, the 48th annual Monster Cookie Metric Century ride, and it has been redesigned for an enjoyable, safer experience. Many dedicated people are putting in countless hours to ensure this ride will be fun and a way to make lasting memories. We are currently ramping up our bike safety efforts and ask everyone to share the road, never ride more than two abreast and always ride single file when traffic is present.
Talk with your fellow riders and let them know your intentions, and for gosh sakes AVOID MAKING MOTORISTS ANGRY!
Stay safe on the road,
Tim Newman
Club President