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HomeSBC Membership 2024

SBC Membership

Membership in the Salem Bicycle Club offers a number of benefits for cyclists. These include:

Being a part of a fun, active, and supportive group on rides and in working to encourage cycling,
Access to the benefits of the club's Ride with GPS account,
Eligibility for recognition and financial rewards acknowledging participation and volunteer contributions, and
A discount of 10 percent on parts and accessories at many participating local bike shops.

Annual membership dues are $25.00 for individuals and $30.00 for families Spokes is Digital or you can download from the Spokes tab on Home Page. See the Club Business page for information on how to connect with the club using these services.

To become a member of the Salem Bicycle Club, please complete online by clicking here Membership Application or if you are paying by check and don't want to do the online version, click here for downloadable Membership Form 2024 please be sure that each family member 18 years of age and older completes and signs the release on the back of the form. Also, please be sure a parent or legal guardian signs the release for any family members under 18 years of age. 

The club's website emails renewal notices to members shortly before their anniversary date with the club. Our insurance requires that we obtain a signed release from each club member annually. Therefore, regardless of payment method, the renewal form must be completed and returned to the club.

Contact Membership Coordinator Julie Glass with questions.