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Date: 9/4/2024
Subject: Spokes Newsletter / September 2024
From: Salem Bicycle Club

'Idaho Stops' are not risky cycling behavior, OSU study says

 An Oregon law allowing bicyclists to roll through stop signs does not result in riskier actions, according to a study recently released by Oregon State University researchers.

 Oregon allows cyclists to consider some traffic stop signals and signs as merely yields, an action sometimes called an "Idaho Stop" in deference to a decades-old Idaho law. See an Oregon Public Broadcasting report about the study on its website.

 Covering the Bridges
 Several Salem Bicycle Club members ventured south in August to ride in the Covered Bridge Bicycle Tour staged by the Mid-Valley Bicycle Club. Cyclists said later the routes themselves were highlights as they weaved riders through the valley with little traffic across as many as five bridges, depending on the distance. Clubs members joining sanctioned events such as this get SBC mileage credits.

Club Hosts Salem Art Fair Bike Corral, Volunteers Needed
The bicycle club will host the Bike Corral again this year at the Salem Art Fair. We need people to help staff the three-day event.

The Salem Art Fair takes place Sept. 13-15.

The Bike Corral is a complimentary service provided by the club to help reduce Salem's carbon footprint for three days. In doing this, the club increases its visibility in the community and offers an opportunity to recruit new members.

Please consider joining us. Visit the club website and sign up for a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday time slot. 

Off the Back:
What Really Matters

When I became a board member in 2022, I had a long list of things I wanted to accomplish. One was to grow the club membership since numbers were declining. I was going to make it my mission, thinking that more members would help solve volunteer shortages and, at the same time, show anyone that the club was active and worth joining.

Even when taking the president's role this year, I kept that goal in the forefront, each month asking membership director Julie Glass how many new members signed up the previous month. I even, for a time, added a section to the club website's home page to celebrate that success. 

It is important to always make new members and even non-members feel welcome when they show up for a ride. When I rode the Covered Bridge ride last month, and having time to reflect while riding and being pushed to my own personal limits, it hit me. Stop focusing on the membership number and simply be thankful for the people in the club, every single person you have had the pleasure of meeting, have had the privilege to ride with, have had a conversation with, and the positive energy they bring. 

That was exactly what I needed to “wake me up.” Our club is strong because of its members, not its size. Every member plays a key role and that is what is important. Some prefer to ride, others prefer to ride and volunteer, others prefer to volunteer and not ride with the club, and so on and so on. And again, at the summer-ending club picnic, was I reminded how fortunate I am to be part of this group and the warmth that surrounds everything we do.

As club president, I want to thank each member for riding the rides, helping when you are able, and supporting the club in whatever way makes you feel comfortable.

I am so proud to be part of this club and be able to do my part.

Tim Newman
Club President

Five Questions
We ask club members five questions each month. Julie Glass, a regular participant on club rides, is a club board member and membership director.
She's also September's featured cyclist.
Here are Julie's Five Questions.
Q1: What is your favorite local ride?
I love riding to Bauman’s! The plants and produce are gorgeous and they have yummy gluten free chocolate chip cookies that I devour each time I go there. One year I fell in love with a hanging planter they had and paid for it, rode home, and then drove back to pick it up.
Q2: What is the best out-of-town ride you've ever experienced?

My favorite out of town club ride starts in Molalla and goes along the Clackamas River. The views are incredible and the elevation gain so gradual that I feel accomplished by the end of the ride. This past year SBC member and friend Bonnie Beal and I cycled in the California redwoods, which was an incredible experience! I highly recommend it.


 Q3: Do you prefer to go uphill, downhill, or keep it level?

I have a tremendous sense of freedom cycling on open roads that are flat or have small rolling hills. Significant uphills are challenging for me.

Q4: What's the best part of being a club member?

SBC has such good people! I love riding with the club and I have developed heartfelt friendships with several SBC members.

Q5: Why do you ride?

I ride because it helps my physical and mental health, and because it brings me into nature. I discovered cycling in my 20s while living in Manhattan, and actually gave up cigarette smoking because I wanted to ride more than I wanted to smoke.  Anyone who has struggled with addictions knows that was a huge accomplishment; I’m grateful that cycling provided me with the tool necessary to improve my life.

Find your next ride on the club website.
Click Here

The Salem Bicycle Club board meetings continue on Zoom. please check the website for updates.

General Meeting
September 10
Painters Hall, 3911 Village Center Drive SE, Salem
Social time: 6 p.m.
Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.

Agenda includes:
Guest Speaker: Ian Davidson, Salem Bike Vision
Potluck, Swap Meet & Board Elections
November 11
Painters Hall, 3911 Village Center Drive SE, Salem
5 - 8 p.m.
Please click here and register and let us know what food you will bring to the meeting.
Board Meetings
No September meeting
October 9, 6:30 p.m.
Contact Tim Newman for a Zoom link.

Board Minutes
Salem Bicycle Club Board of Directors meeting minutes are posted online.
Board Minutes Directory

The Salem Bicycle Club is an affiliate of the
League of American Bicyclists
1612 K Street NW, Suite 308
Washington, DC 20006
We encourage our members to join the LAB

Spokes is published and distributed via email each month by the Salem Bicycle Club in Salem, Oregon. The opinions expressed in Spokes are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Salem Bicycle Club.